20 Câu Trắc Nghiệm jQuery Quiz



    Matches all elements that are checked or selected.

    Correct Answer: :checked
  • Selects all elements of type checkbox.

    Your Answer: :checkboxAll
    Correct Answer: :checkbox
  • Bind an event handler to the "change" JavaScript event on an element.

    Correct Answer: .change()
  • Remove a callback or a collection of callbacks from a callback list.

    Your Answer: callbacks.removed()
    Correct Answer: callbacks.remove()
  • Determine if the callbacks list has been locked.

    Correct Answer: callbacks.locked()
  • Selects all button elements and elements of type button.

    Correct Answer: :button Selector
  • Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to a callback list.

    Your Answer: callbacks.list()
    Correct Answer: callbacks.add()
  • Disable a callback list from doing anything more.

    Correct Answer: callbacks.disable()
  • Determine if the callbacks list has been disabled.

    Correct Answer: callbacks.disabled()
  • Determine whether a supplied callback is in a list.

    Your Answer: callbacks.with()
    Correct Answer: callbacks.has()
  • Lock a callback list in its current state.

    Your Answer: callbacks.remove()
    Correct Answer: callbacks.lock()
  • Remove all of the callbacks from a list.

    Correct Answer: callbacks.empty()
  • Call all of the callbacks with the given arguments.

    Your Answer: callbacks.fired()
    Correct Answer: callbacks.fire()
  • Determine if the callbacks have already been called at least once.

    Correct Answer: callbacks.fired()
  • Call all callbacks in a list with the given context and arguments.

    Correct Answer: callbacks.fireWith()
  • What is the correct jQuery code to set the background color of all p elements to red?

    Your Answer: $("p").css("background-color"‚"red");
    Correct Answer: $("p").style("background-color","red");
  • The______ method is used to represent an array or an object in serialize manner.

    Your Answer: None of these
    Correct Answer: param()
  • How many methods are available in jquery to give fade effect to the elements.

    Your Answer: Four
    Correct Answer: Three
  • CDN stands for______

    Your Answer: None of these
    Correct Answer: Content Distribution Network
  • There are how many ways to check or unchecked the radio button.

    Your Answer: Four
    Correct Answer: Two