Essential Elements of SEO for Your Blogger Post

Creating a site is very easy, every one can make his own site, but to attract the traffic to your site or blog is very difficult. It needs time to do this, and the person has to keep an eye on its blog. This can be achieved by SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Today we are going to doing to discus on essential elements of SEO for your blogger post.  A little introduction of SEO is given below:
basics of seo

What is SEO and Why is it Important

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is very necessary for every person who wants to get more and more traffic to its blog from Search Engines. There are different Search Engine Optimization Services and operations of SEO which we have to perform just like KeywordResearch, Generating Backlinks, Making Site Maps and others. The most important parts or the Basics of SEO are described below:

1. Title of your Post

Title makes your post beautiful and effective, try to have a name of your Post which has the main point of your Article. Search Engine firstly view the title of the post, if there is related material in the title (which is searched) then it shows the result.

2. URL of the Post

URL of the posts is very important for SEO, because search Engine Searches the things with the help of URL. If your Post URL has the Keywords that are searched, it would be helpful for the Search Engine to find out the material. The most popular web developer sites (Blogger, wordpress and etc) uses your Post Title in your post URL. It is also called SEO URL which stands for Search Engine Optimized URL. It is very nice and helpful for SEO.

3. Alt Image text

Alt texts are those images which are used to define an Image. The Robots and the Crawlers of Search Engine can not understand the picture that is why we use Alt text to keep a name of our Picture in other words. It is called Alt Search Engine Optimization for the Images.

4. Headings

After Post Title the most important thing is our Headings. A heading should be kept a unique name which is covered by the material which is described in there. It is helpful for Blog Post SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

How to do On Page SEO

There are many people who have the question what is On Site SEO? There is no need to worry about it, On Page Optimization is very easy and the things that we learned today are the parts of On Page SEO. These are basic SEO guide, to learn more about On page SEO, watch out our other Articles.
